10 Oct Book Art

New Bindings
So, I took a break from the tiresome rewrite of Book Two and decided to revamp the cover art. This then lead to fully creating cover bindings for all three trilogy books and the Eithne follow on book. Quite some challenge and took two full days.However, it was worth it I think, and the new designs look superb.
I used an actual 12th century book as the basis for the designs and revamped them to fit. Although the books are set between pre-history and the present day, the old style certainly works.
Will there ever be a real leather bound and brass fitting book like these? Well yes actually. If and I stress IF, I ever manage to get Megan published, then I will personally commission an expert to make the trilogy into these identical copies, all bound and finished as per the images. This will be the authors original personal copies. I will deserve it, despite the cost it will no doubt be. As for the normal paperback? Hmm, probably some modern publisher designed artwork, but hey, if that’s what sells….
Below are the full layouts, including backs, splines etc.

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